Friday, February 15, 2008


As of yesterday, 41 people have applied for my job. Holy crap, that is completely amazing to me. And that is just one day after it was posted to the website.

On the plus side, this weekend is a three day-er, so I'll be going to the Valley after work today, like always. Again on the plus side, we get to stay with Jenny and Todd at their nice, clean giant house (that is free of screaming, bratty kids).

Also, I am no longer sick. The "unpleasantness" lasted only about a day and a half. That's pretty much it so far, however, I have started telling my patients that I am moving away. The response has been really sweet. They all say that they love me, they are sorry to see me go, and thet they will miss me terribly. It's really nice to hear. I will miss them all, even the crazy ones. But it's nice to know that I have helped so many people over the last 2.5 years. Knowing that I made some sort of impact is nice. I will probably cry when I leave. I love them too. I will miss Beth most of all. But my desire to be near my own family is stronger than my desire to stay at my awesome job that I love and will miss.

Ooohh, I also now know 3 words in Portugese, thanks to my Brazillian frind Pricilla: Hello "Oi", Goodbye "Ciao", and Thank you "Abrigado". She says my accent is pretty good, considering I didn't know any words before. My new friends are super-nice. It just kind of sucks that I didn't meet them until 2 weeks ago. Oh well, now we have people to visit us in Colorado.

1 comment:

HelloBettyLou said...

When you get here (which I am super excited about), I will take care of your kitties, the girls at least until you find a home.