Monday, November 19, 2007

Ohh, the Holiday Season

My dear loyal readers, much has happened over the past few weeks, including going to AP's nephew's wedding on Saturday (SUPERFUN!) and waging a war on Stupid Fucking Rose, the destroyer of my ex-vehicle, and ruin-er of lives for all she encounters.

I feel like I should explain the last part. AP and I are getting our own place in February when the lease is up, so I, as a respectful roommate and leaseholder, told them about it last week so they can plan their next roommate and figure things out for next year. They sent me an e-mail detailing how Rose would need to be there when AP and I are packing our kitchen and living room things so that we don't steal her stuff. This is an outrage for many, many reasons, including the fact that I have never broken into any one's room to steal their stuff (hello, that's why all the doors have locks on them--to keep her out). And why would I even attempt to take any of her things when AP and I literally have a closet full of brand new, not out of the box kitchen and other decorative items? Ridiculous. So AP and I started packing our kitchen stuff for safety reasons (things "accidentally" get broken in our house all the time). Next thing we know, Stupid Rose and her slave/boyfriend are doing the same thing. AP and I decided to make good use of all the leftover paper and plastic supplies from our party. I know it seems a little stupid, but there is no reasoning with that psychotic sociopath. Then, as she was removing one of her hideous paintings from the living room, she purposely poured a plant, water and all, all over the rug in the living room. Not the carpet, it was only and specifically on the (AP's and my) rug. When I confronted her about it, she wouldn't even look at me, much less respond. Luckily, that rug is machine washable so all the plant water and dirt came out easily.

Seriously, though, what the hell? That is how the war started. Luckily, I have unlimited access to as many boxes as I can carry (and bubble wrap) from work, so packing the rest of our stuff will be easy. And no, Mom, I am not stealing the boxes. People want me to take them off their hands. Officially, I'm doing them a favor. That's my story for this post. I know, I know exactly what you're thinking.

Also, AP and I were going to host Thanksgiving, but due to recent events, we won't be doing that. Now, we are going to AP's mother's house for the holiday festivities. I'm making a pie. I'm thinking about doiong that double layer pumpkin cheesecake thing from Thanksgiving 2005. It was really good. The point of this post is to show everyone that I am thinking positive and only good things to come for the rest of the season. Wish us luck.


Anonymous said...


Merlicious said...

I found it on the internet.