Wednesday, April 18, 2007

To Clarify

The ceremony AG and I will be participating in on June 23 is not our "Wedding." It is just a little thing (15 minutes), we are signing our domestic partnership agreement, and then we are going away for the weekend. Later on, at some point in the months after everybody meets and loves everybody, there will be an event. An event involving coordinated outfits at a special location probably involving a minister and a lot of Mom-related crying. No one is being left out because there is nothing to be left out of. I promise everyone will be kept abreast of the other ceremony. We just want to do this little one now. There will be an event when we can afford to spend money on it. This type of thing is very expensive. Everybody calm down. No one is being left out of the loop.


Anonymous said...

Thank you MOM

Merlicious said...

I'd never leave my all-important family out of a giant event like my wedding. For goodness sake, give me some credit.