Thursday, March 8, 2007

Dinner Party

Katherine and I have finally nailed down a date for the dinner party. Sunday, March 18th at 6:30. Yea!! I am very excited and have also received an e-vite to Katherine's Birthday/Housewarming on March 31st! Katherine and I sort of have this weird parallel lives friendship thing happening. Her birthday is March 15th, she is also a lesbian, and she is also in a serious relationship with her partner, Darcy. Slight difference, she and Darcy are married while Jenn and I are not (a situation soon to be remedied). They have a cat (we have 2). It's stuff like that. I became friends with Katherine because we both volunteered at a street fair help every October in San Francisco called the Folsom Street Fair. We met at the thank-you party for all the people who volunteered through the Lesbian Health and Research Center. Friendship ensued. Now it is time for our significant others to meet. AG and I do not have enough lesbian friends. I don't know why, we just don't. But we do know a lot of crazy and horrible people. Our plan is to break away from the crazy and it is my job to scout the normals and bring them in to our circle of friendship.
Something I like about being in a grown-up relationship: We are on the same page about pretty much everything, from take-out orders to our future children and we talk about everything openly, even if it is unfavorable. It is so fantastic! Not everything is a bowl of cherries, boys and girls, it took us a long time to get here. So don't think I am one of those perfect, happy people. It takes time to get to this place. We had to go on a break for a few months and we weren't together and that was really hard. Luckily, all the break did was make us realize that we are meant to be together. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. She's my girl. More later...


HelloBettyLou said...

Hate to tell you this sweetums, but there are a lot of lesbians with wives and cats in this world, especially in your little city by the gay.

Merlicious said...

I know, but finding the happiness is the hard part. If you can find it, you're lucky.

Anonymous said...

I remember watching the mover called The other Sister. There were 3 sisters. One of them was gay and her parents had a hard time with that. The youngest sister did not see her gay sister as being any different then her straight sister. She just wanted her sister to be happy. That's all I want for you. Be happy, live a fulfilled life. I'll always be there for you. Finding your one true love is not the easiest thing to do. But when you do find it, you know it. Love MOM