Monday, August 27, 2007


Also, I've been an aunt for three weeks now, I just haven't Blogged in awhile, except for today. Anyway, I just talked to my sis (Mama K) who had the baby (B-Man), and I've heard he's the cutest thing in the world, but had seen no pictures of him except for when he was first born. Mama K send me a bunch of pictures and he certainly IS the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can't wait to see him in person for Christmas!


I know that exactly 2 other people read my blog, but there was some comment made at another Blogger's site that totally bugged me. My sister (Betty Lou) and my mother don't think I ever go to work because I take time off. This is completely not true. Every month, I acquire 10 paid vacation hours and 8 paid sick hours. I can use them whenever and however I want as long as I ask first and fill out a vacation request form. Last week, my sister called my phone and I happened to be in Anaheim, CA at our hotel between going to Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure theme parks. AP and I went to celebrate AP's 38th birthday (Yes, I know, I am the best present giver ever!). I had actually been planning the trip for several months and I guess I just didn't mention it to anyone in my family so when she called it took her by some surprise.

My mom asked if we drove, and yes, we did. I guess we could have flown, but we would have had to rent a car anyway, so we just drove the 8-hours to Anaheim through the LOOOONG stretch of highway that is California. Besides, AP hates to fly. It scares the crap out of her and she never does it, ever. She makes few exceptions, but we are planning on Colorado for Christmas (no one does a major holiday like my family!!). Anyway, we drove to Anaheim on Tuesday, checked into our hotel around 8pm and just had dinner and relaxed. Driving for hours is tiring. Then on Wednesday, we got up fairly early (it is hot in SoCal no matter what time it is), and headed to Disneyland. We decided to do the ParkHopper Pass so we could have unlimited trips to Disneyland and California Adventure that day so we could take breaks and naps and return for more fun. We did everything at Disney that sounded fun (yes, we went on It's A Small World), and AP took several rolls of film and used most of them. Around 4, we decided to go back to the hotel (it was on the same street as the parks) and shower (did I mention how freakin' hot it was?), and take a short nap before going to CA Adventure and doing the night festivities. Then we went back to the park and rode some rides (CA Screamin' was really fun) and saw the Electrical Parade (still really awesome, even years later, my readers know what I'm talking about), and then everyone begins the mass exodus 500 feet from CA Adventure back to Disneyland for the fireworks display. It was so amazing, both AP and I got tears in our eyes. The whole experience was truly magical. The we rode some more rides and did some repeats of the afternoon and went home (hotel) around closing time (Midnight). We went to sleep around 1 (we were excited). Then we got up at 7-ish and got on the road. We took the long way and decided to stop at several places along the Central Coast just to check it out (Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo). AP is just a girl who can't say no because she also agreed to drive one of her nieces and one of her little children to San Jose while we were on our way back from Anaheim. So then we decided that it was getting pretty late and we still had about three hours to drive back to San Francisco (not including driving all the way to San Jose in between), so we stayed overnight and Jenny and Todd's house in Chowchilla (just outside Merced) and got up at 3:45 am and was at AP's mother's house to pick up her niece and great niece by 4:50 am. We were on the road by a little after 5 and were on our way. Because of traffic and such, we dropped them off in San Jose and I knew I was not going to able to return the rental car on time, so I asked to keep it another day and they said it was fine, so we finally got back to the house, unloaded, and I drove to work. I had called earlier and told them I was going to be an hour late, so it was fine. That was Friday morning. Friday evening, AP and I took advantage of having a car and I went to Target and went grocery shopping.

That pretty much was my grand adventure of last week. It feels like so long ago. And next week, it's guest and party time!! Our luau is next Saturday and I am really excited for everyone to come meet AP and celebrate with us and meet my family. I have 41 yes responses so far, so we will have a full house. I am so excited!

Monday, August 13, 2007

New roomie, new house

Oh my gosh! Ever since the last post, the house has a whole different feeling to it. First of all, I will never live with another guy, EVER. Jesse was going to be out of his room on Friday so AP and I could move into his room so the new chick, Erica, could move into our room. This happened, sort of. AP and I had already moved out all of our stuff into the dining room so we could prepare Erica's room in advance of her arrival (this went off without a hitch, everything worked perfectly). Jesse, however, is a total jackass. All he did to move out of his room was remove his things from his room. He did not clean it, vacuum it, or anything at all! When I saw this, I was very, very, angry. I called him on it and asked him if he had to clean his new apartment himself before moving into it. He said no, that would be stupid. Then I asked him why he thinks it's appropriate that he should do nothing upon moving out of his room. He's an idiot. AND...I told him that I was holding his deposit hostage until I get his keys. His ex-Aaryn, also has a key, and I told him that until I get both sets back, he will see none of his deposit money. Hell, between staying in the house an extra 10 day and leaving his room a nightmare, he's barely getting anything back anyway. But he'll find that out when he gets my itemized list of deductions. I am planning on nickel and diming the crap out of his deposit for all the crap he's put both AP and I through over the last year. Little bastard.

On a more positive note, Erica is great and the house is looking really sweet. AP and I rented a carpet cleaner and she cleaned every carpet in the house so now everything is clean and bright and fabulous. On Thursday and Friday, we moved completely out of our old room, cleaned the carpets and painted it. Then we closed it off so the room could dry before Erica's arrival on Saturday. On Friday morning, AP helped Jesse move all of his crap out of the house while I was at work. I was off that afternoon because I had to help ready our new room (paint, clean etc.). We worked our butts off and the room ended up sparkling. Side note: AP got a Hepa-filter vacuum cleaner at a garage sale from some rich people for $1 and all she had to do was spend $3 to replace the worn-out belt, and it purrs like a kitten. It's bagless, and I had to empty the container 4 TIMES when I was vacuuming Jesse's room. It's ONE BEDROOM! Four times! I swear, that boy did not vacuum his room once in two years. It was disgusting. Anyway, while that was happening, and AP was cleaning the carpet in our new room (yay!), I was finishing the living room and setting up the new bathroom stuff. New trash can, new towels, 2 new shelves, doing a massive cleaning overhaul (it wasn't that bad, it gets cleaned regularly), you know, that kind of thing. It looks great. Then, the Comcast guy showed up without two of the cable boxes we requested. He set up everything else, but there was a mess up on the work order. AP was pissed. And rightly so, so she spoke with a supervisor and someone was slated to come out and fix it the next day (Sunday). Then we discovered after the guy left, the he had not given us our On Demand or the Showtime. AP called back AGAIN and spoke with the same lady and she added that to the work order. The guy came yesterday and fixed all the TVs, but then we discovered (after we set up everything around our new garage sale entertainment center), that NOW THE INTERNET DOESN'T WORK. Dear God, help us all. I called the people this time and he said that someone would be out between 7 and 9 A.M. today. I just got a call from AP. It is precisely 9 A.M., and there is no guy. She'll be calling and bitching them out shortly. Again on a positive note, the house is gorgeous. I am so proud of us; we worked our butts off for three solid days and I am so happy with the results. AP and I are a great team.